File Email Content into Cloud Storage within seconds
Simply "Drag & Drop"
MxHero’s Outlook plugin brings the power and simplicity of Cloud Storage file management to Microsoft Outlook. Save, secure and collaborate over email from within Cloud Storage by simply dragging and dropping one or more messages directly into your Cloud Storage folder tree embedded in your Outlook interface.
mxHero’s Outlook plugin enables the firm to save important client emails to Cloud Storage quickly and intuitively, resulting in huge savings of expensive legal workforce time and bandwidth every day. Messages are saved to a “correspondence” subfolder in the client specific folder where other relevant documents are organized. From Cloud Storage, teams can easily find and collaborate over emails without having to forward messages from one email account to another. mxHero’s intelligent filing ensures that key emails are readily searchable & viewable on mobile devices whether from the courthouse steps or anywhere else.
MxHero’s Outlook plugin can intelligently process emails to automatically file messages to specific folders and file names, saving time and enabling search features previously unavailable.
Emails and their attachments, when saved to Cloud Storage with mxHero, are fully indexed by the Cloud Storage search engine. Furthermore, Cloud Storage meta-data is added to all files so that users can easily identify key attributes, e.g. the sender, subject etc.. of files received over email. Special processing enables users to preview email message content from within Cloud Storage without requiring download nor an email client.
Unified Experience of the Cloud and Email
Preview email from Cloud Storage, Traverse Your Cloud Folders from Email!
Being tightly integrated to Outlook and Cloud Storage, mxHero provides a fast and intuitive experience:
Why Move Emails to Cloud Storage?
Email in Cloud Storage
Email in Email
Strong, flexible access security
Weak security results in many high profile email related security breaches over the last decades
Messages shared from a single collaborative location
Copies of messages shared out of every recipient's chaotic email environment
Messages viewable as single documents without being forwarded to email
Email viewable only from within an email program
Access to messages can be granularly controlled (difference access rights) and revoked
Forwarded message is no longer in control of the sender
Message can be grouped with other relevant files, ex. Word, Excel, etc.
Email can only be grouped with email
Advanced Cloud Storage features like comments, task assignment, workflows, etc.
Little to no collaborative or workflow features
Flexible classification features, favoriting, labels, meta-date tags, multi-level folders etc.
Typically only folders or tags
Advanced search facilities to find email and files quickly
Limited search facilities. Files hidden as paperclips
Powerful document preview technologies from mobile devices (ex. Word, CAD, DICOM, etc.)
Limited to no mobile preview capabilities